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CIS Top Off the Codes of Conduct for the Somali Regional Justice Institutions

2 May 2024
CIS in collaboration with the Africa Europe Partnership Institute for Capacity Building and Human Resource Development (AEPICAB) has successfully completed the task of drafting codes of conduct for the four justice institutions of the Somali regional state of Ethiopia: Police, Prosecution, Judiciary, and Prison Administration.

The complete set of codes of conduct for each sector were officially handed over to the respective institutions. Dr. H. Gebreselassie representing both CIS and AEPICAB presided over the handover ceremony in Jigjiga the Somali regional capital on 2 May 2024.  The ceremony was well attended by representative of the Netherlands Embassy in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian Federal State Deputy Minister of Justice, bureau heads of the Somali regional government, and other key stakeholders. Following the handover ceremony, the President of the Somali region hosted the delegation at the presidential palace. The president underlined the importance of the draft codes of conduct and earnestly reassured that this handover ceremony will kick-start the internal process of ratifying the codes of conduct in the local legislative body.     

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